Thursday, August 18, 2011

Identifying Common areas that could create roofing problems

If you own a car, you know that you have to change the oil and maintain it to prolong it's life.

The same goes for a roof.
You can perform preventive maintenance on your roof to prolong the life.

A lack of maintenance to your roof and not repairing any minor faults can lead to bigger issues and a premature life span for your roof.

These are just a few of the areas that preventive maintenance should focus on:
pitch pans
ponding areas
base flashings
perimeter drip edge metal
any type of roof penetration (ducts, plumbing vents, pipes, sky lights, etc.)
expansion joints
parapet walls
cap metal
high traffic areas
aluminum roof coating
attic ventilation

Blisters in the roof's surface can happen if there's a void between the roof surface and the roofing system where trapped moisture and gasses expand due to heat. Generally they're not a problem as long as they're not ruptured; otherwise, water can get into the blistered area and degrade the roof system. They are a weakened area of the roof though and with continuing expansion the blister will rupture and tear the roof membranes creating a leak.

Ponding water can be from numerous things but most commonly caused by deck deflection or structural sagging. You'll have evidence of ponding water in the form of the obvious standing water but also fungus build up and algae.
HVAC units without proper drain lines can create ponding as well as drains that are blocked by debris or an improper roof slope.

Base flashings are needed for transition from a horizontal roof to a vertical wall. Over time, base flashings become cracked and brittle due to an improper amount of asphalt used when originally installed, which is extremely common.

To get additional information or to schedule your preventive maintenance appointment, call Paul Bange Roofing at 954-981-7663 (ROOF).

You can also find Paul Bange Roofing on Facebook, or Twitter and YouTube

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